Athlete, Address the Gaps

Address the Gaps

9  "You, however, are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if in fact the Spirit of God dwells in you. Anyone who does not have the Spirit of Christ does not belong to Him."

Romans 8:9 (NIV)

There are certain things about me that bear witness to who's trained me. It may be personality, expressions, or how I approach and do things. I certainly have taken on the nature and spirit of my parents, teachers, mentors, coaches. Still, I know there may be gaps in my understandings or methods unless the instruction I've received has been superior and my spirit has been consistently teachable. How do you feel about your gaps? Got any? Feeling real confident and gap free?

God addresses our greatest gaps. He sent His Son and His Spirit to close them. His Son closes the righteousness gap as we trust, follow, receive Him. His Spirit guides us into all truth so that our understanding gap closes too. (John 16:13)

In Romans 8:9 we see how God address the gaps:

  1. God's Spirit INDWELLS people who put their faith and trust in His Son. What a great internal deposit and compass to place within a man! The Spirit helps us close gaps and find our way home.
  2. This Spirit is Jesus WITHIN, not just Jesus among or Jesus around. This is the sweet spot where He really wants to abide.
  3. This indwelling Spirit of Christ in us becomes EVIDENCE that we belong to Him. No Spirit, no belonging. Strong message! The dots have to connect.
  4. This Spirit brings CONFIDENCE and POWER to push through, to carry on, just like Jesus. We don't have to go it alone or navigate life in our own flesh and fallen nature. To be 'in the Spirit' is to find a better way, a no-gap zone.

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