Athlete, Face Up

Face Up

18  "And we all, who with unveiled faces [reflect] the Lord's glory, are being transformed into His image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit."

2 Corinthians 3:18 (NIV)

There are two ways to score in basketball: back-to-the-basket and face-up. The latter dominates the scoring menu. May it drive home today's meditation too.

God also knows how important face-up moves are. He knows that faces tell stories. He knows that faces reveal spirit. He knows that faces reflect soul. And He wants to bring a great face to our lives. That's why He wants us facing up, looking to Him.

Today's Scripture instructs that when we behold the Lord in His glory, things wonderfully, radically change.

His radiance hits us hard. We reflect it. We become bright. Our faces shine (3:7-11).

We begin to look like Him. We reflect His presence. Our lives imitate His. Others can tell too (3:18). What encouragement!

We feel love like never before. Facing up helps us feel what we know. To behold is to feel. To feel is to love. To love is to change (3:9).

His Spirit sees to it. God's Spirit is committed to keeping the glory of Christ and the gospel ever before us and, in turn, helping us see ourselves, others and the world as we ought. He gets us in front of the mirror. He teaches and commands our face-up moves (3:8, 18).

Prayer to consider today: Spirit of God, keep teaching and encouraging me to use my face-up moves. Don't let me hide my face from You. Give me the “yes face” of Christ and the gospel of hope. Fill me with love, and help me radiate You to a darkened world.

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