Athlete, Get It Right

Get It Right

13b  "Live in peace with each other."

1 Thessalonians 5:13b (NIV)

'Just right' is a great expression. It captures the feeling of: • A perfect night for a walk • A perfect sunrise, sunset, snapshot • A perfect pass, catch, shot or stroke of a ball • A perfect defensive possession • An offensive play really well executed

Perhaps the best 'just right' moments come whenever relationship peace comes. Today's Scripture reminds us that this is the way God wants us to live, to live 'just right' with others. That may require:

A GOOD FIGHT FIRST, for peace must be fought for. Peace doesn't often come without a fight. To live in peace with others means battling for it. It won't come easy.

A GOOD SURRENDER FIRST, for a white flag must be waved before peace comes. And remember, it may be my surrender and my flag that's called for. Death to pride. Life in surrender.

A GOOD EFFORT FIRST, for peace (of mind) only comes when we do our best and trust God with the rest. The Bible states, 'make every effort to do what leads to peace'. (Romans 14:19) Get peace of mind regarding relationships.

A GOOD PROVISION FIRST, for Jesus defines and delivers peace like no other. Scripture says, "He Himself is our peace…(who has) destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility." (Ephesians 2:14) Peace is a person. If you want real peace, get to know the Prince of Peace. (Isaiah 9:6) He'll deliver.

Athlete, are you living in peace with others?

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