Athlete, Growth is not Accidental

Growth is not Accidental

10  “For Ezra had set his heart to study the law of the LORD and to practice it, and to teach His statutes and ordinances in Israel.”

Ezra 7:10 (NASB)

We do not accidentally fall into godliness. It takes discipline. It takes intentionality. It is probably not shocking to you to hear that work needs to be put in to experience growth in your walk with God. The question you want answered is more practical: How or what do I need to do to grow? Great question. Ezra 7:10 says that Ezra had set his heart to study the law of the Lord (which would be the Bible for us), and to practice it, and to teach His (God’s) statutes.”

Athlete, what steps do you need to take to grow in your relationship with God according to that verse?

  1. Read the Bible
  2. Put into practice what it says
  3. Be willing to tell others what you learned

It is significant that the Bible says Ezra “set his heart to study.” Again, we do not grow by accident. We need to “set our hearts” in the right direction. What needs to happen in your life to prioritize time each day to read God’s Word?

The Hurdle
16 studies designed to help you compete and live with the gospel at the center of your life.

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