Athlete, Have Confidence

Have Confidence

40  "Anyone who welcomes you welcomes Me, and anyone who welcomes Me welcomes the one who sent Me."

Matthew 10:40 (NIV)

Sometimes good things we entertain doing scare us and we find ourselves backing off, leaving missions on the launch pad. The scaffolding stands but no work is being done, no building is being built. Our confidence needs a boost. Jesus knows this is how things go sometimes but says that when we undertake missions for him, we can be ultra-confident that two things will keep us moving forward:

  1. FLANKED FOR SURE. Jesus accompanies His workmen. When we show up, He shows up. That's His pledge. And when He shows up, God shows up. What an unbeatable tag team comes to the front to get work done!
  2. FAVOR FALLS. Reward comes to those who receive us when we rep Him (verse 41). The blessing of our obedient service to God multiplies out to those we serve. He sees to it that His reward becomes exponential.

Hey Athlete, we serve a God on a mission. One of the greatest joys in life we can experience is when we partner with Him in this adventure. Are you willing? Are you ready? What is one step you can take toward this today?

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