Athlete, Help is on the Way

Help is on the Way

3  "Look! The LORD is coming from His dwelling place; He comes down and treads on the heights of the earth."

Micah 1:3 (NIV)

I get it. You want to be the one who comes through in the clutch. You don’t need help. One of the all-time great and welcomed messages in life is this: "Help is on the way." It's embedded in every great action movie, key ballgame substitution, good ER rescue and answered prayer. Be so glad when you hear it too. It changes our hope index. It changes everything.

Do you hear this message declared in today's Scripture? God keeps re-releasing it, wanting people to know that help is on the way. It’s a core message we all need to experience every day. Let’s break it down.

  1. GOD INVADES. He intervenes and engages. He doesn't just sit back in rocking chair passivity, letting us live in uncertainty, ambiguity and fear. He leaves His comfort. He gets involved. To believe He doesn't is to believe a lie.
  2. GOD COMES NEAR. He closes the gap. He comes down. He is not afraid to leave comfort, to approach messes, to get down and dirty. Aren't you glad for a God who lives like this?
  3. GOD DIGS HARD PLACES. When God says that “He treads upon the high places,” it means He delights in getting to difficult places, hard-to-reach spots. It means He topples strongholds of power, sinister things inside and outside our lives that have the upper hand, that are hard to tear down. He goes to great lengths to win our salvation.

Hey Athlete, God loves to rescue. Where do you need help today? Invite Him into the process. Tell Him you need help.

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