Athlete, Know the Best Operating System

Know the Best Operating System

16  "But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh."

Galatians 5:16 (NIV)

I don't know a whole lot about computer operating systems but I do know that some are better than others. Using some systems leaves one far more likely to be slowed down, subject to viruses, or crash. Others are superior. To use these systems is to operate free and clear.

In basketball, I do know that some offensive systems are more sound than others. Some put players in positions where they're more likely to get in trouble with the ball or be uselessly spaced. Others max out both player and team potential brilliantly. I want the latter playing out in me and my teams.

Galatians 5:16 points out that God provides a terrific operating system for life that allows us to max out both our potential and our purpose. It's through His Spirit. 'Walking by the Spirit' keeps us humming at our best and not breaking down.

What does this operating system look like, what does 'walking by the Spirit' mean? Let me offer just these few simple thoughts as a primer. It means:

  • COACHING. Doing life daily under God's constant coaching. What He says goes. And I live free and clear of all law-producing guilt and shame.
  • RUNNING, going stride for stride, with God, letting Him set direction and pace for my life continually.
  • CHOOSING to never accept another operating system for my life, not even mine, and certainly not one from the world. The world's operating system has so many bugs and viruses. All of them pale and lead to breakdown.
  • ASKING God's Spirit to control my attitudes, appetites, choices and not my 'flesh' (my inner fleshly cravings that way too often get me stuck - see 5:19-21).

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