Athlete, Make Some Space

Make Some Space

7  "But very truly I tell you: it is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the [Counselor] will not come to you; but if I go, I will send Him to you."

John 16:7 (NIV)

Sometimes the best thing to do is to create a little distance. Taking a day off from practice to rest is wise. Study breaks do recharge. Taking a real vacation renews. Calling a timeout to step away from a situation can be crucial. Have you learned to do this? Are you great at stepping away from time to time? Experiencing the benefits? I'm still in process...

Even Jesus practiced this. He had terrific “step back moves.” His best one was this: He stepped away so that His Spirit would come. He created space for another to impact.

Here are some benefits we receive because of Jesus' “step back move,” because He was “good to go:”

  1. A “Counselor” comes. His Spirit now lives and abides within us. We're not as alone as we might think. He comforts and guides. He's within. There are no true orphans with God (v. 7).

  2. Conviction rises. The chance to see sin, righteousness and judgment as we ought dramatically increases. We get properly awakened instead of numbed to these three important realities (16:8).

  3. Belief rises. Trust in a Savior-Redeemer takes better root. Hope for a permanent, endless way to remove sin's stains is had. The Spirit sees to it that this hope has a home in us (16:9).

  4. Advocacy advances. Better representation comes when Jesus is good to go. Jesus becomes our Advocate to the Father. How great to have such unbeatable representation (16:10)!

  5. Victory insures. Wins get guaranteed (16:11). A sentence has been pronounced against the Evil One. He's condemned, and awaits judgment, first in line. Athlete, if the enemy of our souls loses, that means we who follow Christ win!

Because Jesus was good to go, Oh how we can benefit!

Are you experiencing any of these “step back” benefits? Or are you needing to make a “step back move?” What kind of space do you need to create?

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