Athlete, Pray Better

Pray Better

32  "But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers."

Luke 22:32 (NIV)

Why pray for failure to be avoided, to be averted? Why pray that we would escape its clutches? Isn't that pointless, for failure is inevitable? Failure surrounds. To err is human.

There's a better prayer. Pray instead like Jesus, that faith would not fail. That's the key.

Pray that resiliency fueled by faith would mark our lives.

Pray that faith would abound, that it would come again and again to pick us up off the canvas and help us press on, undaunted.

Pray that our faith would help us to truly forgive ourselves, not just others.

Pray that faith would help us survive our failure and move us onward and upward.

Pray that through faith's eyes we would see how God leverages both our successes and our failures for His glory and our good.

Pray that faith to trust God at His word and then obey would happen over and over.

Pray that faith would abide and abound.

Athlete, failure surrounds.

May faith abound in you today.

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