Athlete, Read the Playbook

Read the Playbook

42  ”Jesus said to them, ‘Have you never read in the Scriptures …?’”

Matthew 21:42 (NIV)

Reading is an amazing gift. No other living thing can process words like we do. Written words can paint incredible pictures, tell gripping stories, convey crucial strategy, report critical information, deliver deep meaning, carry much truth. Like a big game hunter, I seek great word pictures, stories within stories, rich meaning, winning strategy and timeless truth in about everything I see “in print.” I even love reading game recaps and box scores, hoping to find a pearl or two there.

In particular, I love well done scouting reports! I love both making them and reading them, filtering through everything I should know or want others to know, and then buttoning it up and putting it all to the test. I want game-day confidence.

God loves using His written Word to speak, to help prepare people for how to live, to negotiate life and to win. Four times in the Gospels, Jesus asked the same question, "Have you never read ...?" Twice He poses that question openly to many in Matthew 21 in the days leading up to his crucifixion (vv. 16, 42). He didn't want people to miss what was about to happen and have gaps in their strategic, critical understandings. He referenced God's written word consistently in order to help people connect the dots (Matthew 4:4). He was like a coach always referring back to stated core values, the playbook, the game plan, the scouting report.

Athlete, when it comes to the Scriptures, are you well-read? Are you pleading ignorance or tracking well?

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