Athlete, There Are Two Ways to Live

There Are Two Ways to Live

4  "But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh."

Romans 8:4 (NIV)

There are two ways to live life. Romans 8:4 makes that very clear. You can live according to the flesh or according to the Spirit. The difference between the two is profound.

Living according to the flesh means:

  • my decision-making grid is based on I feel and what I think.
  • The center of my universe is prIncipally me. I worship me.
  • My desires and wants prompt me to action. Feelings, cravings, passions drive me.
  • My reward comes now and leaves fast.
  • Self-fulfillment and self-preservation rule my life.
  • Getting in touch with me matters most.

Living according to the Spirit means:

  • My decision-making grid is based God...what He says goes. His Word and His Spirit become my Compass and Northstar.
  • The center of my universe is God. I worship Him.
  • The Spirit of God's desires and wants move me to action.
  • My reward lasts forever and arrives right on time.
  • God-approval and others-fulfillment rule my life.
  • Humility, listening, obedience matters most to me.

Athlete, there is sharp contrast in living according to the flesh as opposed to the Spirit. I pray you choose to live according to the Spirit. It makes all the difference in the world.

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