Athlete, “We” Is Better Than “Me”

“We” Is Better Than “Me”

19-20  ”Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.”

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 (NIV)

It always makes for exciting story when a 'me' becomes a 'we'. People come alive in powerful ways when they live for a cause greater than themselves. The best teams, communities and individuals know and experience this.

Fundamentally, let's understand this is God's great idea first. He doesn't just tabernacle WITH men and women, but IN them. He births and brands intimate living. He sees to it that those who follow Him get a great gift, a superpower teammate, His Spirit living within. This creates tremendous advantage in the life of the Christian! It means:

  • We're never alone.
  • God Himself takes up powerful residence inside us.
  • It cost God dearly to make this happen. Take heed. Honor the sacrifice made.
  • My body is not (just) my own; it's His.
  • Having Him in me is high honor.

Athlete, making welcomed room for His Spirit in us is the most appropriate response. Letting Him roam any room in our heart-house is the only way to go. Leaving Him standing at the doorway is no option.

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