Athlete, What's Your Intent?

What's Your Intent?

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5  "I intend, therefore, to build a temple for the name of the LORD my God…"

1 Kings 5:5 (NIV)

Declaring intentions on a big stage is really a big deal. Going public with great plans and visions has birthed epic events and made men.

Here are a few historic examples:

  1. Martin Luther King, Jr. went public in 1963 with his “Letter from a Birmingham Jail.” It was groundbreaking. Soon after, his "I Have a Dream" speech echoed, beginning with these prophetic words: "I am happy to join with you today in what will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for freedom in the history of our nation." It was.

  2. Quarterback Joe Namath, walking onto the field for Super Bowl III, predicted upset victory by his unproven team from an upstart league. Boy was ‘Broadway Joe’ ever right!

  3. Young David publicly declared victory over giant Goliath well before a punch was ever thrown (1 Samuel 17:45–47). With his words the battle was won before it was fought. Here's one more: King Solomon, David's son, featured in today's Scripture. He announced to the world three things:

  4. I INTEND TO BUILD. My life is not going to be about maintaining the status quo, living for comfort, playing it safe. I want to make a mark and leave one, too. I'm committed to build something special.

  5. I INTEND TO WORSHIP. I'm going to build something special for a cause greater than myself. What I build is not just for me. It has to be bigger than me. Building for me is too small a goal. I was made to worship the One is who is greater than me.

  6. HIS NAME IS MY WHY. I'm going to bring honor to "the name of the Lord my God.” He's mine and I'm His. His name comes first. His name ranks higher. His name has become my maximum motivation. I exist to make Him famous.

To confess is to confirm. Solomon went public with his noble, selfless intention and God blessed and empowered. He built a legendary temple to the glory of God and envy of the world. It helped his whole nation focus like they should and ushered in a golden age for Israel. The Lord always supports pure-hearted intentions to build, to worship, to honor His name.

Athlete, what's your life declaring to a watching world?

Are you building something special? What is it? For whom?

What's your why, your maximum motivation?

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