Athlete, You have Power

You have Power

Athlete, You have Power

29  For this I toil, struggling with all His energy that He powerfully works within me.

Colossians 1:29 (ESV)

You have power within you that is untapped. Paul tells us in Colossians 1:29 that he struggles “with all of His energy that He so powerfully works in me.” To whom is Paul referring, and what kind of power is he able to tap into? In the previous verse Paul talks about his desire for everyone around him to become mature in Christ. He knows he has no power on his own to make that happen. He needs Jesus to step in; He needs the power of the Holy Spirit to work in his life and the lives of others.

You have the power to influence your teammates. Not because of your skill set, but because Jesus Himself gives you the power. By no means will it be easy. The verse says that there is toil involved. There will inevitably be a struggle. The promise, however, remains true: You have power inside of you. You can turn to God for courage, peace, patient, and confidence. Your teammates are waiting. Will you tap into that power today?

The Hurdle
16 studies designed to help you compete and live with the gospel at the center of your life.

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