Athlete, Count on Him

Count on Him

8  "... who will sustain you to the end, guiltless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ."

1 Corinthians 1:8 (ESV)

Counting on others to come through can be tricky at times, especially if they have a history of flaking out or not finishing the job. This aspect of group projects always made me feel weary. Will the other person really take care of his part? Will he do it well?

This is also a great temptation on our teams.

Second guessing and constantly worrying about whether or not a teammate will do his job prevents me from doing mine to its fullest potential. I’ve always said I am able to play aggressive on-ball defense because I know my teammates are behind me, ready to help when I get beat.

Without trust and belief in my teammates, I can never reach my full potential, and neither can the team.

I sometimes allow this mindset to creep into my relationship with God. I wonder if He will follow through on a promise or really accomplish all He's said He would.

“I know You’ve promised everlasting joy (Psalm 16:11), but I haven’t felt much in a while, so I am going to create some of my own through worldly means.”

“I know I should work as if for You and expect the inheritance You promise (Colossians 3:23,24), but You seem a bit delayed in giving, and I can feel good through the praise of fellow man right now.”

In reality, God will never come up short in this relationship, but I will! I am the one who will fail to meet my obligation time and time again. He is the one needing to pick up the slack from my inabilities, constantly choosing to respond in mercy and grace instead of wrath.

We should never doubt God, Who didn’t even spare His own Son in order to fulfill His promise of salvation to His people (Romans 8:32). He has blessed us with grace through Jesus to have a second chance at a relationship with Him and with grace to live and lead a godly life.

This grace will not just shut off one day; it flows as an everlasting fountain we may drink from daily as we have communion with our Father in heaven through Jesus by the Holy Spirit.

God will not leave us. He is faithful (1 Corinthians 1:9). He will empower and sustain us to live as we ought until He calls us home or Jesus returns. What a precious promise to cling to!

Reflect: Have I been questioning God's commitment to me? What is something I would do if I were completely convinced God was faithful and had my back?

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