Athlete, God Wants to Move through You

God Wants to Move through You

7  “Utterly amazed, they asked: ‘Aren't all these who are speaking Galileans?’”

Acts 2:7 (NIV)

Whenever we defy great odds and win, great stories are built, legends are birthed and our memories bask in the splendor. Does a story like this come to mind for you? Is it a personal story?

In Acts 2, a dozen, simple Galileans -- Jesus’ disciples -- suddenly, fearlessly engaged a massive, very cosmopolitan public. As a result, 3,000 lives were wonderfully, radically changed in one day, in one grand hour. God was greatly glorified. And a movement was born that’s lasted to this very day. Utterly amazing!

What happened to change these lives, to launch this movement? The text in Acts 2 points to three things:

GREAT SKILL: These Galileans were ordinary guys who manifested an extraordinary skill. They spoke the languages of the people fluently (Acts 2:6,7).

COMMANDING CONTENT: These disciples spoke with great authority, “declaring the wonders of God” (Acts 2:11). Speaking of God like He’s knowable, traceable, redemptive, and yet full of grace and mercy is impressive. This sure moves people and fills them with hope.

GOD’S SPIRIT: God’s Spirit filled, enabled, got poured out on 12 men (Acts 2:4,17). When people fill up like this, things happen. Lives change.

A watching world is alway amazed at the combo of striking skill, commanding content and a sense of divine presence.

Reflect: How much are you tapping into this same change-agent recipe? Specifically: How much play is God getting in your skill development? Is He getting enough credit for your excellence? Do you speak as if you truly know Him and declare the wonders of God? How filled with the Spirit are you?

A prayer to consider: LORD, You are utterly amazing! I worship and honor You. And I want each day to count for You. Help me to be so excellent in at least one life skill, so commanding when I speak and so filled up with Your Spirit that a watching world takes note and follows You too. Amen.

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