Athlete, Jesus Ends Alienation

Jesus Ends Alienation

14,15  "For He Himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility, by setting aside in His flesh the law with its commands and regulations. His purpose was to create in Himself one new humanity out of the two, thus making peace."

Ephesians 2:14,15 (NIV)

What's great is when there's one athlete on a team who brings everyone together so that no one feels alienated. They have a way about them, a spirit in them, an understanding they carry and fearless words they communicate so well that all kinds of teammates fall in line, take rank, unite. It sure helps a team find peace, purpose, balance, hope and unity.

Are you that person? You sure can go a long way toward being that athlete as you look to this One and make much of Him – Jesus! Scripture here says the following about Him:

  1. PEACE IS A PERSON, not a circumstance. It's Jesus. Let's stop looking for it in all the wrong places.

  2. WALLS COME DOWN WHEN HE GETS LIFTED UP. His presence is that influential. Hostility ceases when He shows up, bigger than life, as big as He really is.

  3. SELFLESS SACRIFICE UNITES. Jesus willingly surrendered his life to buy our pardon and peace. When we do the same, others are drawn to follow too.

  4. SURRENDER LEADS TO VICTORY. His did. Ours can too.

  5. NEW HUMANITY STARTS WITH THE SAME HEARTBEAT – His. Jesus takes all law keepers (religious) and all law breakers (irreligious) and makes them beat as one.

Law keepers, the real hard-working types, think they're good enough and deserving. Their hard work makes them so, at least better than others. They see talent without hard work with contempt, as a tragedy.

On the other hand, law breakers don't care. They believe their talent makes them better, bypassing others. They despise the hypocrisy and self-righteousness that law keepers maintain. Jesus can make both groups surrender to beat as one … with no alienation.

Be the one who eliminates alienation by making much of Jesus. Make your peace a Person. Lift Him up and watch Him bring down walls. Buy into selfless sacrifice and surrender, like Christ. Tune your heartbeat to His for others. Let Him bring alienation-free living through you.

A prayer to consider: LORD, may this be so in and through us.

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