Athlete, Jesus Makes Us Comfortable in Him

Jesus Makes Us Comfortable in Him

19-22  "Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God’s people and also members of His household, built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus Himself as the chief cornerstone. In Him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord. And in Him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by His Spirit."

Ephesians 2:19–22 (NIV)

The struggle to be comfortable, to get comfortable, hits all of us. It's what we really want when we walk into a room full of strangers, step up to the plate, march to a free-throw line, debut on a big stage, deliver a big speech, face a new job or transfer, compete for a gold medal. What’s your own personal example?

How about being comfortable before God? He wants that to happen! And He's taken three giant steps to prove it. Let's look into today's text and see:

  1. HE GRANTS CITIZENSHIP. God is committed to ending our classification as aliens and strangers. He makes us legit as citizens, with all the rights and privileges His kingdom membership brings.

  2. HE ADOPTS AS FAMILY. God wants “household members.” He actively pursues worldwide adoption. That means family status. And when you're treated as family, you're in. The comfort level soars.

  3. HE COMES TO DWELL. Most amazingly, God makes His home in the life of each believer. God doesn't live in temples anymore, He lives in people. He actually takes up residence in us. He abides. He builds something special in us and then moves into that building! And He wants us to be comfortable with His sweet, strong Spirit in residence.

The foundation and cornerstone of being comfortable with God is Christ. Jesus builds and becomes the cornerstone of our comfort with God. Let's let Him do His building work in us. Because of Him we get citizenship, family and indwelling comfort. And when we're comfortable with God, we're finally way more comfortable to deal with everything else we find so uncomfortable in life.

A prayer to consider: Jesus, be my chief cornerstone and build me well. May I continue to find comfort in You as I face everything else in life that's uncomfortable. Thank You for granting me citizenship, family membership and Your indwelling Spirit. What sweet comfort they bring!

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