Athlete, You Are Living the Dream

You Are Living the Dream

8,9  "To me, though I am the very least of all the saints, this grace was given, to preach to the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ, and to bring to light for everyone what is the plan of the mystery hidden for ages in God, who created all things."

Ephesians 3:8,9 (ESV)

What a great find it was when Hakeem Olajuwon was “discovered” by the basketball world in 1981. Out of nowhere, it seemed. invisible to most, with no basketball experience, this Nigerian burst onto the scene. First at the University of Houston, then he “rocketed” on to become one of the greatest NBA basketball players of all time. The mystery revealed proved legendary good.

For all this to happen, someone had to first discover “Hakeem the Dream” and then declare to others that Olajuwon was really legit. When it happened, the basketball world sure received a great gift. What a difference those moves made!

God did the same thing. The mystery was made plain. “The manifold wisdom of God” was made known in Jesus. The unsearchable riches of Christ came into view and we beheld His glory. And like the guy who sponsored, promoted and revealed Olajuwon, it becomes our noble task to do the same with Jesus. To bear witness to greatness, to make much of Jesus, to reveal the mystery of Christ in us is our mission too.

Jesus can't be kept to ourselves. He must be shared with the world. We can't leave Him undiscovered by others any more than the one who found Olajuwon could leave him undetected in Africa. Such mystery has to be revealed. We must declare the unsearchable riches of Christ to others, play a part in rich revelation, and let the world in on how special Jesus really is. Maybe that's a big part of what “living the dream” is all about.

Reflect: How are you viewing Jesus lately? Are you seeing Him as THAT special, THAT worthy, THAT much of a difference-maker? Are you making plain to others what “living the dream” really means – that unsearchable riches are found in Christ?

A prayer to consider: LORD, help me to have a ball championing You in my life and in my world. May the mystery of Your grace keep being revealed in and through me. I want to see many others “living the dream” too.

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