Athlete, Make Him Your Center

Make Him Your Center

17  "He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together."

Colossians 1:17 (NIV)

What do you have going on in this season of your life?

In this season of my life, I have been traveling 10 out of the last 14 weeks. There is a pull of excitement for the future, mourning for desires not met, uneasiness about current situations and a longing to be settled at home. My response to stress: close my eyes and hope it goes away — it hasn’t worked yet.

Athlete, what does your season look like? What is your response?

I may not be a full-time athlete anymore, but I remember how much each season brought within my sport, while my life outside of volleyball continued on at the same time. It can get overwhelming.

You have a gift amidst this and so do I — we have Christ. Without Christ, we have no power source but our own. My center is that I have a God who didn’t just save me, but Who is continually in relationship with me and sustaining me through each day.

Athlete, God never changes and will always be there. Make Him your center amidst each season of life. He holds all things together.

Reflection: What season are you in? Where can you re-center yourself back on Christ as your power source?

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