Athlete, Make These Three Moves Daily

Make These Three Moves Daily

10-12  “Jesus said, ‘Have the people sit down.’ There was plenty of grass in that place, and they sat down (about five thousand men were there). Jesus then took the loaves, gave thanks, and distributed to those who were seated as much as they wanted. He did the same with the fish. When they had all had enough to eat, He said to His disciples, ‘Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted.’”

John 6:10-12 (NIV)

The further you advance in sport performance, the more your moves come under scrutiny. Film sessions expose each movement. Every move matters. It's a fact.

In today's Scripture, we see three critical moves Jesus made that bear repeating in us if we want to experience special living too. Let's take a look.

SIT DOWN: Jesus invited a multitude to settle in with Him. He wanted them to feel care coming, order arriving, a plan in place, patience worth it and hope on the way. Whenever God invites us to sit, it's meant for us to feel all these good things. I believe we should take a seat when He offers.

GIVE THANKS: Jesus gave thanks for what little He had been given (a mere five loaves and two fish). That little was about to become much. This begs a question – was Jesus giving thanks for what little He had or for how much this little was about to become? Perhaps the answer is that it didn't matter. Maybe it was both.

WASTE NOTHING: Jesus wanted people to know that however much they're given, it should not be wasted. Why not? Because it's really a gift from Him. That alone makes it special! How we treat the gift reflects on how we value the Giver.

So how are your moves looking? Let's pause and apply.

Reflect: Are you finding yourself sitting down enough before God's Word, the Bible? Are you settling in at church regularly and praying daily?

How are your thanksgiving moves looking? Are you also thanking God in advance by faith for what He will do? Are you better at maximizing or squandering moments and resources? A life that sits well, thanks much, and wastes little is a rewarded, well-fed life.

A prayer to consider: LORD, sit me down daily. I long for You to feed me. I'd rather have what You serve up. Thank you for daily bread. You provide like no other!

Thank you also for all Your promises and for when You say, “Not yet.” I want to be great at thanking You by faith. What You serve up is worth waiting for!

Don't let me waste my life by chasing worthless things and squandering what You've given me. Help me be great at making these three moves today, every day. Amen.

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