Athlete, Observe the Path to Confidence

Observe the Path to Confidence

24  “Then they prayed, ‘Lord, You know everyone's heart. Show us which of these two you have chosen.”

Acts 1:24 (NIV)

Got some things you need to figure out? Need some fresh wisdom or direction? Looking for a confident path to take? If you’re like me, I bet these questions surface in you too.

Embedded in today’s Scripture are two simple lines that sure help us get unstuck and on our way to confident resolve.

“LORD, YOU KNOW” -- It’s amazing how freeing it is to declare to God that He knows when we don’t. This releases things to His good care until it’s time for us to know too.

When we do, O, how it settles the soul and resets the spirit! What a great self-talk line too! The Lord knows. The Lord knows how (2 Peter 2:9).

“LORD, SHOW US” -- Speaking these words creates the path to real confidence and good expectancy.

But declaring them is humbling. It means God sees better than we do, and we are blind more often than we think we are. This exalts Him and properly humbles us.

It also appeals to His wonderful nature as Revealer. And O, how our confidence soars as we see what He shows us, seeing things as they both are and shall be.

So when we confess to the Lord that He knows (better) and ask Him to show us His mind and heart on matters, our confidence really climbs, and our path becomes much more sure. He did it for the people of Acts 1:24. He did it for people throughout the Bible’s rich history.

And He’ll do it for you.

Reflect: What have you declared to the Lord (in frustration or sweet surrender) that He knows and that you really don’t have a clue about? And on what subject might you be unwilling to admit that He knows better than you?

What might you ask the Lord to show you today? (You might want to pray the prayer of Psalm 139:23,24 for starters.)

A prayer to consider: LORD, You know. LORD, show me -- for Your glory and my joy and confidence in You. Amen.

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