Athlete, Observe Three Thoughts on Death

Observe Three Thoughts on Death

24  “But God raised Him from the dead, freeing Him from the agony of death, because it was impossible for death to keep its hold on Him.”

Acts 2:24 (NIV)

Some losses seem to hurt more than others. The awful feeling lingers long, like a part of you is still dying. Shame, guilt, blame and bitter disappointment seem to live on, and everything else is deadened.

Into this hurting, dying world full of losses steps God in Christ. (That’s the message of Christmas!)

Jesus knows something about death and dying. And He has some important things to say. Let’s take a look at three thoughts from today’s text:

DEATH DOESN’T MEAN “GAME OVER”: Jesus had His Father’s full, powerful support. The One who sent Him raised Him. And if we follow Jesus, we can expect the same, powerful support which won’t allow any apparent loss to become truly fatal. He simply won’t let our past condemn our future.

In Christ, “knocked down” doesn’t mean “stay down.” And dying doesn’t mean dead for good. God supports His people and His missions. He raises. He resurrects. He gives life.

DEATH MEANS MORE THAN DYING: Make no mistake about it. The agony of death goes beyond the dying moment. The greatest pain is not the agony of death. It’s the agony reserved “postgame” for the unbeliever.

The Bible talks about death as a very painful separation, like a crushing divorce that carries endless pain. All who do not claim God’s righteous, justifying, free gift in Christ suffer this kind of death. Let’s have no part of this kind of pain!

DEATH WON’T ALWAYS WIN: It seems like it always has its way. But it certainly cannot for the Christ-follower. Scripture says, “It was impossible for death to keep its hold” on Jesus.

So too, for those who bear His Name. Death has no permanent grip on the Christian.

The world is full of people crossing over from life to death. But Jesus crosses them over the other way, from death to life. O, blessed thought (John 5:24; Romans 8:11; 1 Corinthians 15:56,57)!

Reflect: Do you feel like a loss has beaten you, like something has died inside? Are you living like your past has condemned your future? Are you entertaining a personal, undying fear of death?

The Bible offers the best view of death and life. Know it. Cling to it. “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (John 8:32 NIV).

A prayer to consider: LORD, don’t let me fear death, dying, loss. Only let me fear life apart from You. Amen.

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