Athlete, Run Toward the Giants

Run Toward the Giants

9  "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go."

Joshua 1:9 (ESV)

Have you ever run a relay race? With adrenalin pumping, taking the handoff can be tricky.

What are some thoughts that go through your mind as you wait for the stick? Maybe you experience both fear and excitement, or dreams of being the hero, overshadowed with nightmares of failure.

“What if I drop it, or take off too soon, or fall on my face, or run too slow … here it comes, breathe, go, handoff, I’ve got it, now it’s my turn, I’m in the race … run!”

The truth is, Christian, no matter what our age or title, we are all running a relay race, and we have been handed the baton of faith by those who’ve gone before us: our parents, coaches, mentors, teachers, pastors and even the patriarchs of the faith.

Let’s examine the race of Joshua, one of our Old Testament heroes, who had to take the faith-baton from his mentor of 40 years, Moses. My hope is that by examining his life we can all be encouraged and strengthened to lead others well.

If you are familiar with the story of the Israelites' exodus from Egypt, you know they refused to follow Moses into the Promised Land because they were afraid of the giants who lived there.

Consequently, God judged their faithlessness, causing them to wander in the desert for 40 years until the entire generation had died at the doorstep of receiving the promise.

Joshua, one of two faithful spies who had given a good report of God’s Promised Land, did not perish in the desert. Because of his steadfast faith his life was preserved, and God used him to accomplish His purposes.

As we pick up the story in the book of Joshua, we see that Moses has died and Joshua has been called by God to take the baton of faith and lead the Israelites into the Promised Land.

This was a monumental task, and Joshua knew from firsthand experience that the land, while flowing with milk and honey, was also filled with giants.

Let’s see what Joshua was charged with doing. Read Joshua 1:1-10

  • He had to own his faith. He couldn’t rely on Moses any longer. Joshua 1:1,2
  • He had to embrace leadership and God’s purposes for his life. Joshua 1:3-5
  • He had to obey God’s laws. Joshua 1: 6,7
  • He had to know the truth. Joshua 1:8
  • He had to fight against fear, trusting God to be with him. Joshua 1:9
  • He had to shake off discouragement. Joshua 1:9
  • He had to be strong and courageous. Joshua 1:9
  • He had to run toward the giants. Joshua 1:10,11

A prayer to consider: Lord, help us learn from Joshua how to be strong and courageous in the face of giants.

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