Athlete, Tell What God has Done for You

Tell What God has Done for You

19,20  “And He did not permit him but said to him, ‘Go home to your friends and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how He has had mercy on you.’ And he went away and began to proclaim in the Decapolis how much Jesus had done for him, and everyone marveled.”

Mark 5:19,20 (ESV)

Tell how much the Lord has done for you.

Over the past summers I’ve worked at a Christian sports camp for inner-city youth. Many, if not most, of these campers come from rough neighborhoods that provide no glimpse of hope. Due to God’s grace, some campers would come to know the Lord by the last day of camp.

Some of these campers would not want to go home. They would beg and cry to stay with us. As much as we wanted that, we told them that they had to go home to be with their family and friends and to tell them what they had learned at camp.

Our verse of the day for the last day of camp would always be Mark 5:19,20. In this story, we hear of a man possessed with demons. No one is able to subdue him and he was always crying out and harming himself. Jesus changes this.

Jesus has the demons leave him and enter into about 2,000 pigs! Can you imagine that? All of those demons residing in one individual? What a miracle Jesus had done for this man.

Sometimes when we reflect on our own lives, we fail to think of the miracles that God has worked in our lives. Regardless of who you are, there are many. But for one, let us think about our salvation!

God has brought us from death to life. We who once were dead in our sins and enemies to God, have been made alive in Christ Jesus and adopted into the family of God. Let us share that miracle and good news to others, and let them know that it is available to them as well.

Reflect: How have you seen the Lord work in your life recently? Are there opportunities to share what the Lord has done in your life with non-believers? What is holding you back from sharing this?

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