Athlete, Observe the Anatomy of Movement Building

Observe the Anatomy of Movement Building

4  “They all joined together constantly in prayer, along with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with His brothers.”

Acts 1:14 (NIV)

Movement building is a fascinating study. What takes people and events and builds them into sustainable movements interests me greatly.

I’m a coach, an athlete (in my day), and a world citizen, carrying two degrees in history to boot. This stuff gets my attention.

Let’s look together at the greatest movement building in human history: Christianity. Its effect is still rippling. The anatomy of this movement reveals it was built on three pillars:

STRONG CONNECTION: What first brought people together was bold proclamations of truth, thunderbolt expressions of both undying love and dying love; and then a richly shared hope. And all three kept infusing the movement. (Read more of Acts and see for yourself!)

Seams beautifully tighten when the combo of truth, love and hope are present. They always join people powerfully, and movements grow.

Jesus introduced truth, love and hope like no one ever has or ever will. He was those things. He is those things. Great movements are built on strong connection to Him through truth, love and hope.

CONSTANT PRAYER: Then what keeps people together is communication. This movement was unusually committed to communication. Its most common expression was prayer.

Constant, corporate prayer built and renewed this movement. God builds and sustains movements when people pray. It’s amazing what happens when people huddle like this.

BLENDED TEAM: Finally, the movement had limitless composition. No boundaries. No fences. All homogenized. When it came to gender, occupation, economic status, race, ethnicity, age, language, culture, family bloodline or friendship circle, it was all for One and One for all (Galatians 3:26-29).

Reflect: Now, let’s take a personal look at our movement-building impact:

How well connected am I to truth, love and hope? How constant are my prayers? How blended are my circles? (Tear down a fence, break down a wall, and bring truth, love, hope and prayer to someone else’s life today.)

A prayer to consider: LORD Jesus, keep building Your kingdom, and may I play a special role in this movement. Help me to know and proclaim truth to an often rudderless world, love categorically well and offer unbridled hope like You do.

May I pray more constantly, freely huddling with others, hearts beating as one. May my life express the oneness I see in You. This is the movement building I truly want for Your glory. Amen.

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