Athlete, Think About Work

Think About Work

27-29  “’Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you. For on Him God the Father has placed His seal of approval.’ Then they asked Him, ‘What must we do to do the works God requires?’ Jesus answered, ‘The work of God is this: to believe in the One He has sent.’”

John 6:27-29 (NIV)

Lebron James had a few interesting things to say in the locker room for limited media after his game two work at the NBA finals in Oakland last year. He spoke about home court, why he held no formal media interview and his physical condition. I'd say he was a little testy.

Jesus spoke about work-related things too, but in a much more profound, less biting way. For Him, work boils down to this:

WORK MOST ON THINGS THAT MATTER MOST: Work more on the eternal, not the temporal. Eat and drink the things that matter most, that last, that lead to eternal life. Regularly consume and be consumed by this.

LET GOD FEED YOU: Let Him cook up your best nourishment and set the definitions. The Son of Man has delivered the model of work at its best to us. So take what's been delivered and run with it. Don't let others feed you cheap imitations of what life and work are really all about. Don't define what's best by yourself.

GIVE PROPER ATTENTION TO JESUS: He is the “Sent One.” Believe in Him. Believe on Him. Put your full weight into His every word, each piece of life wisdom, His every decree and precept. Note every move He makes. That takes real work, faith-muscle work. Don't downsize His messages and mandates in favor of your own. Trust Him. Period.

Reflect: So, how's work going for you? Are you making sure that you're reserving plenty of energy and attention for things that matter over things that don't? Are you allowing God to set your definitions and making much of Jesus, the Sent One?

A prayer to consider: Sweet Jesus, thank You for every moment where You have truly fed me. Keep feeding me according to Your Word and by Your Spirit. I need lasting nourishment and the best definitions of life and work. I believe the Sent One and am trusting You today. Amen.

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