Athlete, Water with the Word of Truth

Water with the Word of Truth

25,26  “Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her, that He might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word.”

Ephesians 5:25,26 (ESV)

I don’t have a green thumb, and growing plants is hard for me. Living in the heat of Texas doesn’t help either, so I have to be very deliberate and intentional about watering my plants.

As I’ve spent more time watering, I’ve come to the astounding realization that if you properly water a plant, it will grow!

However, I’ve also made the critical observation that my sprinkler only brings partial life to my plants.

I can keep them alive with water from the hose, but when we get a good, soaking rain – their growth and greenness are greatly multiplied.

Spiritually this principle holds true too! God’s source of watering my soul is so much more powerful than any man-made source.

God’s source is supernatural, eternal, overflowing.

So if I want to grow a spiritually green, lush landscape in both myself and others, I need to intentionally and deliberately use God’s eternal water source -- His timeless Word!

Daily watering others with the truth from His Word will result in their exponential growth.

“I love you!” is a sweet expression of affection, but … “God loves you!” is a fierce proclamation of your true heritage (John 3:16).

“I need you!” is affirming and uplifting, but … “You need God!” is a declaration of your true dependence on Him (Ephesians 2:1-4).

“I believe in you!” is encouraging and inspiring, but … “I believe in God in you!” is faith-building, a statement of your true power source (Colossians 1:27).

“I see potential in you!” is motivating, but … “I see Jesus in you!” is supernatural, a Holy Spirit revelation (Galatians 2:20).

Our human words of communication can be blessings, but watering the hearts of others with God’s truth goes beyond our human ability to uplift, comfort or encourage.

Let’s water from the deepest, purest, sweetest, clearest water source there is -- the Word of God. The growth will be exponential!

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