Athlete, We Have Full Access to God

We Have Full Access to God

18  "For through Him we both have access to the Father by one Spirit."

Ephesians 2:18 (NIV)

I've been given remarkable access to many sport “kings” in my life. It's really been quite special. I'm not sure how it has happened, it just has. I didn't sniff around for it or sneak into their “courts.” I haven't been a stalker.

Maybe it's just come down to humble prayer, simple obedience, soul preparation and a little godly fearlessness that's kept my knees from knocking. Maybe it's had nothing to do with me.

But here's access to a King that can be explained – God wants us to know how access to Him works. Today's simple verse explains it. Let’s unpack it together.

  1. NOT AN EVENT. God doesn't want us to simply meet Him, just to have access to His presence for some sort of one-time event. The access He has in mind is continual and full – access to a relationship.

  2. ONE ROUTE IN. Jesus is the way-maker, bridge builder, wall breaker, password, mediator and introduction. While there may be many apparent entrances to the building, there's only one real entrance into the Father's presence – a direct, backstage entrance through His Son.

  3. ONLY CREDENTIAL NEEDED. Our humanity is it. When Scripture says we “BOTH” have access to God, it means the Jews and the Greeks, the religious and irreligious, both saints and sinners, can get to Him. Anyone can go backstage with Him. Race, ethnicity, economic status, age, gender or cultural pedigree doesn't matter either. The Father welcomes all through His Son.

  4. STRAIGHT TO THE TOP. Access to the Father is direct. Once we're attached to the Mediator, it's straight to the top. Access means access. There's no purgatory delay. No ambiguity. No questions.

  5. THE ELEVATOR. The Spirit directs, delivers and prompts our getting there. He always lifts and points to Jesus, to the Father.

  6. THE TRIFECTA. Notice how the whole Trinity is committed to our stunning access? The Son paves the way. The Father welcomes. And the Spirit lifts and carries us there. Gotta love the teamwork displayed on this critical issue.

Reflect: I love seeing how full access to God works and how committed the Godhead is to making it happen! Do you? How confident are you in your access to His presence, His coaching? Are you taking full advantage of your full access?

A prayer to consider: LORD, thank You for your full-access invite. I'm so glad your full coverage makes a way. Help me operate with boldness to come and to invite others to come with me.

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