Athlete, You Choose to Walk or Run

You Choose to Walk or Run

14  “I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”

Philippians 3:14 (NASB)

The team picked up a new player mid-season to replace an injured player. He was the first guy at chapel that week. He had questions about the team Bible study, and he was eager to meet together.

When he asked how he could be involved in the team ministry, it occurred to me to ask, “Do you want to walk or run?”

In the following weeks, this player discovered a new gear in his giddy-up that changed his relationship with Jesus and his impact on the team. We studied the Bible together, he learned how to study the Bible on his own, he shared his faith with teammates and he drew them into the team ministry.

Eight years later he’s still running well as he expands a ministry through his church.

We are living in an era when people like to set a pace best suited to their own schedule, commitment, security or interest. Here’s the kicker — if you never intentionally pick up a little speed in your walk with Jesus, you’re missing out.

What happened with this athlete was not an exception. Most believers who step up their pace learn more, trust God more and see God do more.

The apostle Paul felt a compulsion to pursue God.

In Philippians 3, he used words such as “press on,” “strive” and “reaching forward.” His knowledge of Jesus’ suffering and sacrifice for us compelled Paul to seek all that God had in store for him. There was nothing casual about it.

You prove the principle every day in the weight room, in study and in team practice. Athletes who go a little harder usually get a little further. It is the difference between getting by and growing.

Want to pick up the pace a bit? Take a longer look at the third chapter of Philippians. Engage in the next four devotionals this week — they focus on taking your pursuit of God up a notch.

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