Athlete, Be Filled, Focused and Fueled

Be Filled, Focused and Fueled

8-11  “Then Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit, said to them... ‘It is by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified but whom God raised from the dead, that this man stands before you healed. Jesus is “the stone you builders rejected, which has become the cornerstone.”’”

Acts 4:8-11 (NIV)

I saw it again last night -- a team filled with confidence, focused to the hilt, and fueled by a great game plan. They marched into enemy territory and wrested a very special conference road win.

Their red hot start was followed by rashes of adversity that made them surrender their lead. But then they grabbed back the lead late and gained a memorable victory.

In Acts 3 we see the same markings. It’s a template God wants us to implement in our lives. Here is the simple, winning framework:

HOLY SPIRIT-FILLED: God filled Peter with His Spirit. God’s Spirit longs to fill and empower all of us who follow Jesus. In fact, He commands it (Ephesians 5:18).

His Spirit never runs in short supply. We can have as much of Him as we care to. Releasing control and yielding to the Spirit is what fills us up with power.

He wants to fill us. Why should we operate with minimum boost?

JESUS-FOCUSED: Peter spoke the Name of Jesus. Making much of Jesus becomes maximum motivation. His name brings power and peace. When He is exalted as Savior and Lord, His Spirit comes afresh. Live and move by the name of Jesus.

WORD-FUELED: Peter made it a point to know well what God says in His Word. He quoted it, and we can too.

So let’s stay current. Let’s turn the pages of God’s Word, the Bible, daily. Let’s quote His “playbook” often. It gives amazing authority to our words and grants great confidence to our every move as we internalize it, integrate it, obey it.

Reflect: Where might God’s Spirit need more playing time in your life? Are you filled, ready for anything? Are you executing daily Bible intake, keeping your crucial “fuel level” far away from empty?

Find a way to introduce the name of Jesus into a conversation today (even with yourself). It will likely bring surprising power, peace, or perspective to both parties.

A prayer to consider: LORD, keep filling me by Your Spirit. Help me make much of Jesus, living focused on His name. Cultivate in me an abiding love for Your Word (Psalm 119:18; Jeremiah 15:16). What great fuel!

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