Athlete, Be Made Strong

Be Made Strong

16  “‘By faith in the name of Jesus, this man whom you see and know was made strong. It is Jesus' name and the faith that comes through Him that has completely healed him, as you can all see.’”

Acts 3:16 (NIV)

The world of sports either makes us or breaks us. We are built or buried by our training and competition. Constant reps of adversity form the training ground.

Here in Acts 3 we see the story of a man crippled at birth. For decades he was forced to beg to survive. He lived a scarred life in his body, and it no doubt scarred his mind and heart too. Can you relate? Know someone who fits this handicapped profile?

But this man turned the corner. He was “made strong.” Acts 3:16 shows us how.

STRONG NAME: Sometimes in life we need someone else to believe in us, to make us strong. We can’t always sustain the effort to become strong ourselves. We are too human.

Attaching a strong name to our situation is what strengthens us, centers us, sustains us, advances us, delivers us. This man attached himself to the name of Jesus. No other name works like His. No other name really saves, rescues, redeems, heals.

FURNISHED FAITH: The Bible says that God furnishes faith. Our faith “comes through Him.” We are not supposed to manufacture it on our own. God wants us to realize that even our faith is a gift from Him. Isn’t this beautiful?

This faith must come before the healing, not just show up in us afterward. Taking this route pleases Him most of all (Hebrews 11:6). That’s how He builds us: through faith and obedience.

COMPLETE HEALING: When God heals, it’s complete. A beautiful overhaul. The kind of healing we all need. That man moved on like never before. So can we with Him, through Him.

Reflect: How often, how well do you introduce the name of Jesus into your thoughts, confessions, and longings for wisdom and deliverance? Do you understand that faith in Christ is a furnished gift more than an emotion to be mustered?

Are you rejoicing in God’s commitment to bring about a complete, sustained healing in you … from sin, the past, failures, paralyzing fears and more? Rejoice in one great healing today.

A prayer to consider: LORD Jesus, O, how I love bringing Your strong name into my life situations. May it always be on my lips.

Keep furnishing faith to me. Make more faith deposits in me. I can’t generate it myself. Out of my weakness and brokenness You can make me strong.

And Lord, bring about a more complete healing in me and in the ones I love. There is more of me that needs work. I still need Your healing touch. We all do. Amen.

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