Athlete, Get Wins this Way

Get Wins this Way

19,20  “‘Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord, and that He may send the Messiah, who has been appointed for you—even Jesus.’”

Acts 3:19,20 (NIV)

Most often wins come down to these things:

  • Execution (eliminating mistakes)
  • Renewal (re-establishing a game plan)
  • Closure (finishing well)

I saw all three of these elements clearly play out in the 2018 NCAA FBS National Championship as Alabama came from behind to squeeze by Georgia in overtime. Did you notice this too?

God wants us to experience big, pivotal, personal wins in life and championship living … and shows us how. Today’s Scripture points the way.

EXECUTION: God pledges to wipe out our sins so that we play life as sin-free as possible. Our mistakes get eliminated and we move forward with confidence. O, how much better we live when guilt and shame are gone and forgiveness is ours! This is His execution commitment (Acts 3:19).

REFRESHMENT: God wants to bring refreshment and renewal to our fights, our frays, our journeys. Life requires much of us. Its battles are often brutal. So the “times of refreshment” He brings are crucial to keep us moving forward and upward. This is His refreshment commitment (Acts 3:19).

CLOSURE: God is committed to closure, putting an end to sin’s penalties in us by sending a “Deliverer,” even Jesus. His deliverance commitment means “game over” to sin and death. It means “final wins” with Him. Hallelujah for this kind of closure commitment (Acts 3:20)!

But consistent execution, certain refreshment, and clear closure won’t come our way without:

OUR REPENTANCE: (Acts 3:19) The word “repent” in Greek is “metanoeo,” and literally means “changed thinking” which leads to “changed action.”

These changes are two-fold:

  • TURNING FROM: Stop going in one direction toward sin.
  • TURNING TO: Start going in another direction toward righteousness (Christ).

Both movements are crucial to repentance. Remember that.

Reflect: Is repentant living playing out in you? Where do you need some change in your thinking? What turns need to be made? How’s your refreshment index?

A prayer to consider: LORD Jesus, I long for more life wins … through better execution, clear refreshment, and strong closure. Help me to live a life of full repentance and obedient humility that sets this all up, for Your glory and my good. Amen.

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