Athlete, Get Your Act Together

Get Your Act Together

7  "But to each one of us grace has been given as Christ apportioned it."

Ephesians 4:7 (NIV)

Much of the credit for the unparalleled success of the USA Basketball Men's Senior National Team (our Olympic/World Cup team) over the last 10 years should go to Jerry Colangelo and his team-building culture (they're now 88-1 since August 2006).

When asked after the Rio Olympics about the perceived widening gap between USA and the rest of the world, it was suggested that maybe the Americans should start putting fewer players on the court in order to level the playing field.

Mr. Colangelo's response was terse: "Why doesn't the rest of the world start getting its act together instead? We shared the game with you. What are you doing with it?"

That statement may actually reflect the way God thinks. Here's what I mean ... In Ephesians 4:7-16, God outlines three big fundamentals of team culture He wants people to adopt in order to get our acts together and function at a truly high level.

GRACE HAS BEEN GIVEN. God sees to it that His grace gets generously spread deep and wide. It's the only thing that forever rosters us on His team. Are we truly treasuring this? Are we seeing that our unmerited favor cost Him a lot, starting with His only Son's life? The only response to grace must be costly too (v7).

GIFTS HAVE BEEN GIVEN. God sees to it that all people get unique gifts. They're given to raise our game for Him and others. Are you seeing what you have as a gift to be stewarded? "Everyone to whom much was given, of him much will be required" is the mandate (Luke 12:48 ESV).

GREATER GOOD IS THE GOAL. The grace and gifts I have been given are not for me alone. Greater good looks like this:

  • SELFLESS SERVICE – Serve others as you have been served. How much better our world would be were it filled with grateful people bound by selfless service (v12)!

  • EPIDEMIC UNITY – All reaching unity is the goal. When Jesus is lifted up, unity powerfully spreads (v13).

  • STRIKING MATURITY – Spiritual maturity = Christlikeness. So when Christlikeness is pursued, maturity grows. This brings way more stability, helps us deal with truth and authority issues like we ought, produces poise under pressure, grows love and improves fit (v13-16).

Reflect: Are you understanding the proper response to both God's grace and your giftings? Are you committed to creating greater good? Is your life marked by selfless service, epidemic unity and striking maturity? Where's an upgrade needed?

A prayer to consider: LORD, help me today to get my act together in the power of the Holy Spirit. May I see Your amazing grace and giftings as I ought. Help me bring greater good by imitating Jesus in selfless service, epidemic unity and striking maturity. Amen.

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