Athlete, Here Are some Big Hooks

Here Are some Big Hooks

1,2  "Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children. And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave Himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God."

Ephesians 5:1,2 (ESV)

The apostle Paul gave us some big hooks to hang things on, some essential understandings of what it means to be a Christian. I'm so glad he did. Like us, many folks were getting sidetracked, stuck, compromised. Fundamentals were being forgotten. Things needed to reset and pivot around this:

  1. BIG IMITATION. A Christian simply imitates Christ. That's what it means to follow Him ... to study Him like a child, to do what He does, to speak His words, to love what He loves, to serve others and die to live.
  2. BIG VIEW. A Christian sees himself as God does, as dearly loved, restored and forgiven through Christ. Fears of performance-based acceptance disappear. Formula religion washes away. What's left is pure, beautiful worship.
  3. BIG DEAL. A Christian makes love a big deal. Love becomes big whenever it's selfless, surrendered, shared … and keeps getting “walked” out like Jesus. That brand of love is the only one that smells good to God.
  4. BIG GIFT. A Christian makes himself a gift to others. Giving like Jesus is the aim. Everything changes when giving becomes sacrifice.


  • IMITATION: How's your Jesus-following going? Are you committed to imitating Him?
  • VIEW: Are you seeing yourself well, especially seeing yourself as God sees you? What adjustments, if any, might need to be made?
  • DEAL: Is living out God's love a big deal to you? Is loving like Jesus important to you?
  • GIFT: Are you giving more than taking, serving more than being served?

A prayer to consider: LORD, my aim is to imitate You. My battle is to view myself as a child completely loved by You. My hope is to keep making love a big deal. My goal is to give more than to receive. Help me hang my life on these four great hooks. Amen.

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