Athlete, Here are Two Indisputables

Here are Two Indisputables

36  “‘Therefore let all Israel be assured of this: God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Messiah.’”

Acts 2:36 (NIV)

This past fall I had the pleasure of visiting the NBA Replay Center in Secaucus, New Jersey, to get a firsthand look at their impressive commitment to get officiating calls right.

Basketball (like baseball, football, volleyball, soccer, diving, wrestling, gymnastics and more) adds an officiating element to its sport that can create controversy at times and jade outcomes. Interpretation of rules and judgement calls do this.

Have you ever found yourself on the wrong end of such calls? Ever been in unjustified foul trouble?

Today’s Scripture introduces us to two indisputable things God wants us to be assured about regarding Jesus: that He is both Lord and Christ! That means He is both true King and complete Savior. There is no one more worthy to rule and reign, nor one more sufficient to save.

When people come to realize this, it “cuts to the heart” (Acts 2:37). It gets personal. Men and women are moved. Life change happens.

The people see Jesus not only as a good guy, great prophet or historic icon, but as Redeemer-King, central to everything, the One worthy of all worship and all praise.

Reflect: Who is Jesus to you? Do you see Him as more than iconically cool, as indisputably your personal Redeemer-King? Are you assured of this?

And is He functionally this to you? If He is, then He alone becomes your righteousness before God, not you, not your good works. And He alone is to be served. Whatever He says goes.

A prayer to consider: O, God, I am assured of two things, that Jesus is both Lord and Christ. May this be personally indisputable in how I live, that whatever He says goes and that I find my righteousness alone in Him. I worship You, my Redeemer and coming King.

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