Athlete, See What is Ahead

See What is Ahead

31  “Seeing what was to come, he spoke of the resurrection of the Messiah, that He was not abandoned to the realm of the dead, nor did His body see decay.”

Acts 2:31 (NIV)

Anticipation. What a powerful word! It’s one to maybe either love or hate, depending on what comes next.

Those that anticipate well, prepare well. They grow great confidence. They speak with authority.

They gain competitive advantage, getting ahead and staying ahead. That’s because they “see” what is ahead. The powerful movement starts here.

Seeing what is ahead, seeing beyond sight is what God offers those who faithfully follow Him.

The Bible is filled with stories of men and women who anticipated well, who saw beyond sight, who recognized what was ahead and brought great benefit to themselves and others because of it. (Check out all the Christmas story characters found in Luke, chapters 1 and 2 for starters!)

God Himself helped them anticipate, to prepare well and declare well. And He will help us too.

Reflect: How are you seeing things? Feeling clueless or feeling ahead of the curve? Are you sizing things up well in your world and in yourself? Are you reading the Bible faithfully to see ahead?

Let’s bring plenty of good anticipation and trust into our relationship with God and reap the benefits of seeing what’s ahead through listening to and following Him.

A prayer to consider: Father, give me eyes to see. I want to see beyond sight. I want to behold what is ahead, live my life accordingly, and help give vision to others too. Without You, I am blind and more helpless than I think. Be my light and guide -- for Your glory and my joy in You. Amen.

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