Athlete, Take Off the Old and Put On the New

Take Off the Old and Put On the New

22-24  "You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness."

Ephesians 4:22–24 (NIV)

There's something about taking off street clothes and putting on a new uniform that sets real tone and new direction. Something happens in the shedding and reclothing. It's transformational even more than symbolic.

Indeed, change helps. Some “former ways” need to go. The old can leave us sedentary, stale, lazy and too comfortable. It can even corrupt.

When you decide to follow Jesus, you don't just add Him to the mix. You can't wear His outfit only occasionally, putting it into a weekly rotation. You don't just pull a new uniform over an old one. There's an exchange of outfits, a movement that must take place.

Here's what this means ...

PUT OFF. We all have an initial identity being built up. The Bible says that as good as we think our identity may be, it's still contaminated with deceitful desires that will play out, that will sucker and sideline us and cause us to derail. The first way to rid ourselves of deceitful desires is to “put off our old self.” That means taking off our self-made identity and finding something else.

PUT ON. A “new self” starts with a new attitude, a new approach to doing life. That attitude and approach aim for godliness, a Christlikeness, an identity being built on "true righteousness and holiness." We enrobe ourselves in a new outfit, put on a new uniform and play for a new team, Team Jesus. Wearing that jersey works wonders.

Indeed, a putting off and putting on must take place in order to experience “true team.” You dress differently when you play for Him.

Reflect: How much am I peeling off the old? How much am I putting on the new in Christ?

A prayer to consider: LORD, show me daily what I need to take off and put on. The battle rages in my mind, in my attitude. Grant me courage to “dress differently.” Keep me aiming to be like Christ.

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