Athlete, Think About Anger

Think About Anger

26  "Be angry and do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger."

Ephesians 4:26 (ESV)

Don't get mad at me. I want to talk to you about anger … because God puts that topic on the table! He doesn't want technical fouls, penalty flags, red cards and DQ's pinned to us because our anger has gotten too hot to handle. So heed these wise words found in Ephesians 4:26-32:

  • Go ahead and be angry, but only over what makes God angry. Get angry over sin. For the rest, chill out. (v26)

  • Remember that anger often destroys the vessel that holds it. So don't let it linger. Even righteous anger can become sin at sunset. (v26)

  • Don't let anger turn into unwholesome talk. Speak only what edifies. (v29)

  • Get rid of anger that's connected to bitterness, brawling, slander, malice. Chop that stuff off at the roots. (v31)

  • Practice kindness, compassion and forgiveness instead, just as God in Christ does for us. Those things kick anger to the curb. (v32 - You'd be wise to memorize this verse!)

Reflect: What's your temperature when it comes to anger? Do you burn up or have a slow simmer? Are you experiencing a godly life of control and stability?

A prayer to consider: LORD, route my anger to only what makes You burn. Take away the rest. Let me live a life of quietness, full of emotional control and stability. That's the way I'll play best in this world. Help me get consistent wins here.

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