Athlete, This is Futility

This is Futility

17  "So I tell you this, and insist on it in the Lord, that you must no longer live as the Gentiles do, in the futility of their thinking."

Ephesians 4:17 (NIV)

The definition of “futility”:

  • incapability of producing desired result; ineffectiveness; uselessness; not successful
  • from the Latin word fūtilis – easily broken, vain, worthless

Like a good coach who says to his or her team, "We can't play like this and still expect to win," the Bible warns us not to “live as the Gentiles do” because it's futile, it gives us no chance to win.

Scripture then goes on in Ephesians 4:18-19 to define what that pattern of poor play looks like. Let's take a closer look to make sure it doesn't happen to us.

Living like the Gentiles means operating this way:

  • Dim the lights. Understanding grows better in the dark. It's easier to hide there too. Light makes things uncomfortable. It gives us too much to see and think about (v18).

  • Stand on your own. Prize independent thinking. You determine reality, truth. Live by your own rules. Ignorance of the Bible is acceptable. Throw off constraint and restraint. Worship your freedom (v18).

  • Harden your heart. Spirituality is for the weak. God is a crutch. "Religion is the opium of the people" – Karl Marx (v19).

  • Prize sensuality as virtue. Let feelings make your decisions. Make pleasure win. Feed lust. Don't stop the fire (v19).

  • Dull your senses. It brings a better high. Sobriety is for duds (v18).

  • More is better. Feed greed. Feed discontent. Feed them 'til they're satisfied. Don't deny yourself. Indulge (v19).

Reflect: Has any of this thinking become a part of how you roll? Where do you need to make some adjustments in how you play the game of life?

A prayer to consider: LORD, keep me sharp and vigilant, living in the light. Don't let me entertain wacky, futile thinking and harden my heart toward You. Don't let me convert to a way of life driven by feelings which desensitize me to real love, true satisfaction, ultimate absolutes, You. Help me to insist on thinking and living like Jesus. Amen.

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