Athlete, Trust That Guy

Trust That Guy

18  “Those who speak for themselves want glory only for themselves, but a person who seeks to honor the one who sent him speaks truth, not lies.”

John 7:18 (NLT)

The person you can trust most is the one who works for your honor, not his or her own.

That person has no selfish streak; he or she is a “team guy,” never trying to gain personal advantage in relationships. There's nothing fake or false about them.

Do you know someone like this? I need that person on my team. Actually, I wanna be on his or her squad.

There's rich reward in living this way, for truth follows trust (not just the other way around). The Bible says that one who freely works for another's honor becomes a person of truth, not just a trusted person.

Nothing gets jaded when that person speaks. Purity flows from him or her, and people will listen long and not tune him or her out. You always feel well-served, well-cared for and confident in the truth when that person is around.

Jesus is that guy. He always worked for the honor of His Father, not Himself. Still does.

Interestingly too, He's been marked for millennia as a man of truth like no other. He teaches us that when we work for the honor of our Sender, truth and honor will come our way too.

When we don't, when we self-send and self-serve, we become fake, and truth departs from us. Truth flows from the one who honors the Sender.

Reflect: For whose honor do you work? Are you waiting for truth before you trust or trusting God to bring you truth?

To whom, to what and where might your Heavenly Father be seeking to send you just now? Will you go?

A prayer to consider: Jesus, help me to be that one who, like You, works for the Sender's honor. May I too, get tagged as a man or woman of truth because I'm following You well.

May I serve up Your truth just right to a starved-for-truth world.

Send me. I'll go. I'll follow. I trust. It's my joy to honor You. Keep leading me into truth and selfless service. They pair so amazingly well in and through You, O Christ. Amen.

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