Athlete, Ask the Best Daily Question

Ask the Best Daily Question

15-17  "Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is."

Ephesians 5:15-17 (ESV)

Perhaps the most common daily question our culture asks is this: “What do you feel like doing?” It activates our everyday choices regarding work, diet, people, entertainment, recreation, reflection, rest.

The better daily life question to ask is this: “What's the wise thing to do?” That's what God's Word says. When we care to ask ourselves this and probe for good answers, powerful living results.

Today's Scripture gives some great wisdom pointers:

CARE ABOUT WISDOM. Let it lead and make feelings follow. If we do, we'll be delivered from all manner of deception in life. If we don't, foolishness will follow us and eat us for breakfast. God cares about wisdom. We should too.

TIME MEASURES WISDOM. Wisdom goes on clear display in how we handle time. Opportunities we see and seize in each given day show how much we prize wisdom.

God says to make the most of our opps just like a good coach insists on valuing every possession. They're worth more than we think.

PURPOSE EXPRESSES WISDOM. Understanding our life purposes and confidently, faithfully executing God's declared will for our lives announce how wise our living really is. To live without godly purpose is foolishness.

So "find out what pleases the Lord" and execute it. (5:10) [Ephesians is full of great purpose statements. Find them!]

Reflect: Are you living a wisdom-driven life or feelings-driven life? Faithfully ask yourself the question, “What's the wise thing to do?” Got a life purpose statement? Need a time-out to write one or review one? Are you confident of God's purposes for you?

A prayer to consider: LORD, help me to care about wisdom and walk with the wise. Help me daily ask myself, “What's the wise thing to do?” May I see wisdom as the path to life and live purpose-driven. May I reject a foolish, feelings-driven lifestyle.

May I value time, making the most of every opportunity for Your glory and my joy. Amen.

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