Athlete, Eternity Cannot Wait

Eternity Cannot Wait

4  "Through these He has given us His very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires."

2 Peter 1:4 (NIV)

You anticipate the arrival of your sports season. You associate it with the changes in the weather. You know when your season nears. You know the rhythms.

You also anticipate the arrival of your King. You associate it with changes in attitudes and actions. You can sense when it is near. You know the rhythms.

When your sport is in season it is not a far off, distant hope pertaining only to the future. It has burst onto the scene.

Well, the kingdom of God has burst onto the scene.

Pentecost means God did not want to wait for eternal life to begin after we die.

Eternity cannot wait. Eternal life is in season.

Yes, we long for God to wipe away every tear and stamp out suffering, injustice and death. We hope for all things to be made new. We wait for new bodies, new surroundings and a new government.

But we are more than waiting for later. We are participating. You can participate in the life of God now (2 Peter 1:4).

New Testament scholar and former Bishop of Durham N.T. Wright wrote, “Salvation is more than just anticipation of what God will do in the future. It is the coming of God’s kingdom on earth today … This is more than postmortem hope … This is more than anticipating leaving this world someday and going to heaven. Rather, it is a bold confidence that God’s kingdom, presence and power are breaking into our world today.”

If Jesus had intended to just be a ticket to heaven, He would have simply handed out tickets. Instead, He came and lived a life, taught us how to live and put new life in us.

It is God’s intention for His kingdom to come now – as His will is done on earth as it is in heaven. In a way, we can bring heaven down just like we can “raise hell.”

Eternal life is in season.

  • It is December. Get your basketball.
  • It is March. Get your glove or running shoes.
  • It is September. Get your helmet or volleyball.

Your season has already begun. Do not be late.

Your new life has already begun. Do not be late.


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