Athlete, Here Are Three Things to Settle

Here Are Three Things to Settle

6  "As slaves of Christ, do the will of God with all your heart."

Ephesians 6:6 (NLT)

The Bible is full of stories of settled and unsettled people. Perhaps, to your surprise, it shows that settled people are actually more dangerous and powerful than unsettled people.

That's because they've found something big, a treasured North Star to orient their every step. They can't be easily bought or sold or knocked off course. And they find maximum motivation in every move they make.

Here are the areas where settled people settle in:

WHOM I WORK FOR: Settled people work for God. They voluntarily become slaves of Christ, no matter who their earthly bosses are. This adds royalty, nobility and dignity to their every assignment. They work for a King. And that makes a huge difference. #AudienceOfOne #A01

WHAT I DO: Settled people do the will of God. They surrender personal ambition and settle into a pattern of personal obedience to Him. They become the King's ambassadors. As such, they quietly, faithfully give the world a good idea of what God is really like. #MakeHimFamous

HOW I DO IT: Settled people work from the heart … all heart. They won't let a sense of routine govern them. Their King and the sense of nobility He brings won't let them do otherwise. #MaximumMotivation

Reflect: How are you doing on these three fronts? Do you feel settled about whom you work for? How about what you do and how well you do it? What adjustments, if any, need to be sweetly, strongly made?

A prayer to consider: LORD, please freshen me and resettle me in Whom I work for, what I do and how I do it. I want to be settled for You. Make Ephesians 6:6 precious to me.

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