Athlete, It Is Not a Dirty Word

It Is Not a Dirty Word

21  "Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ."

Ephesians 5:21 (NIV)

To many, the word “submission” has become a dirty word, one that we loathe and must avoid. It concerns and alarms us. Submission is the goal for our enemies, not us.

But God's Word says that submission is really a beautiful word. He wants us to see it that way too. When willingly expressed by us to Him and others, it becomes oh so powerful. It speaks deeply.

When godly submission before others plays out freely in our lives, here is what it unmistakably shows:

  • The FILLING of God's Spirit in us. (Ephesians 5:18) The Holy Spirit runs around hot and strong in the life of a submitted Christian.

  • Real REVERENCE for Christ. (Ephesians 5:21) The word “submit” actually means “to fall in rank under.” When we submit like Jesus did to His Father and His given mission, we take rank under Him. Our Jesus imitation proves our reverence for Him and frees us to love and serve others even better.

  • True COMMITMENT to oneness. (Ephesians 5:21) Submission before others shows that humility has already won in us, and we can become trusted, loved, respected, safe teammates. It's hard to fake repeated acts of submission.

  • Complete TRUST in God's care and sovereignty. A submitting Christian demonstrates God's power to care for His people. That trusting one has no fear regarding promotion or playing time. He simply joins a glorious battle he knows will not know defeat.

Reflect: How do you feel about the word “submit”? Are you seeing Jesus' beautiful, powerful example in that word? Are you trusting Him and being obedient to honor Him by putting it into play? Where does submission need to play out in you right now?

A prayer to consider: LORD, I submit afresh today to people and their processes out of reverence for Christ. Thank You for chances to love You in these acts. I see power and beauty in this word.

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