Athlete, Locker Room Quotes Do Not Win the Game

Locker Room Quotes Do Not Win the Game

16  "Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you …"

Colossians 3:16 (NASB)

Every locker room, weight room and trainer’s room has a few quotes on the walls.

  • Success isn’t given, it is earned.
  • It’s a slow process, but quitting won’t speed it up.
  • No pain, no gain.
  • Don’t make excuses, make results.
  • Go hard or go home.

Good locker room quotes grab your attention. They give perspective and encouragement. They push you to train, study, sweat and persevere. The good quotes motivate you to keep your head in the game or in the weight room.

As memorable as locker room quotes are, they have never won a game or earned a medal. It was the work that you did because of the quote’s perspective that made the day.

Spiritual devotionals are a bit like locker room quotes — they grab your attention. They motivate you to follow Christ further and more intently.

In the realm of spiritual growth, devotionals are appetizers. They should set you up for a good meal. It's the full meal, extended time in the Scriptures, that your soul needs the most.

Here's the kicker. You will find valuable perspectives in devotionals, but alone they will never produce spiritual maturity in your life. Just like locker room quotes — they need to move you to take a bigger step.

The apostle Paul uses words like “pressing on” and “striving” in his description of pursuing Christ. Like extra time in the playbook or another set of reps in the weight room, time with God in prayer and Bible study is where we get to know Him better.

Your move: Do you want to do any spiritual training today? Only four books in the New Testament take longer than an hour to read. Several can be read in less than five minutes. Pick a book and feast on God’s own words to you — let them richly fill your life.

Check out the next four devotionals for what you should expect in the Scriptures.

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