Athlete, Master the Art of Living

Master the Art of Living

33  "However, let each one of you love his wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband."

Ephesians 5:33 (ESV)

You'd think this Scripture is teaching about marriage, but it's more. Marriage is just the rich example. Two principles embedded here lay a foundation upon which all human relationships rest. Let's take a look at these two keys to the art of living.

Principle #1: USE ONLY ONE METRIC. In a world where we are measuring things more and more, the Bible simplifies things. Scripture says the only score we must keep in our relationships with others is the index of how close we can get our love for others to match our love for self. Something terrific happens when we decide to “compete” at this level. Master this, and a great revolution begins.

Principle #2: RESPECT IS WHAT WE GIVE, NOT GET. That line is counterintuitive to our brains. God says the goal is not to get respect, but to give it. He challenges us to see how much and for how long we can extend it … to anyone and everyone. Bringing honor to others signals that love is on its way, is within reach. And that's a great culture to live in!

So in a world where metrics rule more and more, where love is defined in wacky ways, and where we measure ourselves by what we get – not give, let's take biblical aim at love and respect and make them our treasured friends. Let's master the art of living with others God's way.

Reflect: How close is your love of others matching your love of self? Are you living to get respect or to give respect everywhere you turn?

A prayer to consider: LORD, may love and respect be my great bottom lines. Help me to measure my life the right way, mastering it like Jesus.

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