Athlete, See the True Blessings

See the True Blessings

3  “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places.”

Ephesians 1:3 (ESV)

The American dream revolves around gaining status and prestige, accumulating the newest and best. This idea has crept into some church beliefs as well.

We start believing that If someone drives a nice car and has a big house, God must be really happy with him or her. So-and-so has great financial security, he or she must really please God.

The truth is we don't know why God blesses some with money and others not, or some with much and others with little -- stuff, that is. This idea of “live well, receive more” is not endorsed in the Bible.

But what is biblical is the idea of lavish spiritual blessings. And in reality, these blessings are of much more value than any material ones we may seek.

The best part? All are open and available to those that trust in Jesus! Christ secures and delivers these blessings to us regardless of our worthiness.

Spiritual blessings -- “What might those be?” you may ask. Paul lays out a few for us in the following verses:

  • Chosen by God (v.4) -- God chooses His followers in Christ. He didn't have to, but He wanted us -- me and you -- in His family.

  • Redemption (v.7) -- Our sins are forgiven by grace through Jesus, washed clean by His blood. No more condemnation.

  • Mystery Revealed (v.9) -- He has made known to us His plan of redemption through Jesus.

  • Eternal Inheritance (v.11) -- Eternal life awaits those who trust Jesus as Lord and Savior.

  • Holy Spirit (v.13) -- Receive God's Spirit to guide us and mature us in this life in preparation for the life to come.

These are only the ones Paul mentions in the first nine verses! Many more exist; can you think of any? I pray we savor and desire these blessings more than any material ones!

Remember, all of these only become ours in Christ. He alone is the Way (John 14:6) that unlocks all spiritual blessings to us. If we feel lacking in one of them, we need more of Him!

Reflect: Have I ever reflected on the plethora or spiritual blessings I've received in Christ? Do I spend more time chasing and coveting material or spiritual blessings?

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