Athlete, There Are Things Worth Chasing

There Are Things Worth Chasing

23  "How can you say, 'I am not defiled, I have not gone after the Baals'?"

Jeremiah 2:23 (NASB)

There are certain things worth chasing … and certain things not worth the chase.

For me, some things worth chasing are: truth, grace, honor, integrity, excellence, forgiveness, wisdom, patience, valor, victory in competition, victory beyond competition ... pistachios and cashews, a well-cooked steak on a grill, a good novel, a great story, a well-played (basketball) game, a great skill workout, good adventure, a noble fight, a summer breeze, a beautiful bride and the heart of God. These are the things I love to chase. To me, they're worth it.

What's on your (short) list?

Scripture points to things definitely not worth the chase: pursuit of other gods. Specifically here, we're warned about Baal worship which required “chasing skirts.” An idolatry of lust overtook a nation to the point that it became religion. When I run for this, it overruns me.

What's dangerously chasing after you, trying to get you to run after it? Call out the worthless idols that lure you.

Let's make sure we're not self-deceived, running in the wrong direction. Let's chase the right stuff. Oh how it's worth it!

A prayer to consider: LORD, may I run hard after You, leaving worthless things in the dust! Bring this to pass in me, Jesus, Most Worthy One.

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