Athlete, This Is When Service Really Works

This Is When Service Really Works

7-9  "Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not people, because you know that the Lord will reward each one for whatever good they do, whether they are slave or free. And masters, treat your slaves in the same way."

Ephesians 6:7–9 (NIV)

Like getting good coaching, receiving good service is something we all appreciate. Bringing it sometimes is another story. Being served feels a lot better. But bringing consistent, selfless service is powerful. How can I get my service to be consistently selfless? Today's Scripture gives us clues.

SERVE. Service starts with “serve,” period. Promised rewards and entitlements clog the court. “Serve” means to put others above … and keep them there, to consistently care for them first.

WHOLEHEARTEDLY. Service rendered works only when it’s selfless, wholehearted. Less than wholehearted service dilutes. It becomes a major distraction.

AS IF. A great service lifestyle is sustainable only when the real person being served is the Lord. Serving people can get old quickly. Serving Christ renews all service.

REWARDING. God sees. He sees it all. God knows, and knows all. He sees in secret and rewards openly. Trust that process, and make it a good enough reward.

RUNS BOTH WAYS. Both masters and slaves must serve. It runs up and down, in every direction. God offers no exemptions to masters, bosses, coaches, captains, husbands or wives, dads or moms. We all are to bow the knee to others. "The greatest among you must be a servant" (Matthew 23:11 NLT).

Service really works when we serve, when it's wholehearted, as if to the Lord, expecting only the Lord's reward, and it runs in every direction.

Reflect: How's your serve: dry and dutiful? unleashed and wholehearted? Do you have a good view of God as you serve? Are you satisfied in His reward? Are you letting your service run wild and free in every direction?

A prayer to consider: LORD, make my service selfless and free, as you instruct in Your Word. Unleash it in me in every direction. May You be the real object of my service and my only satisfying reward.

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